Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Filming places....

So, I had good intentions of posting weekly but then 12 hour days got in the way and I don't know about you but I don't feel like doing anything but laying in bed after a HOT day in the sun!

So for my first interesting thing(s) I've done....
Filming at a dairy farm!

This is Caballero Dairy at sunrise... yes sunrise, it's beautiful! What's not beautiful is waking up 2 hours earlier than sunrise to get this shot... but that comes with the job. I'm okay with that and I know these short films that we are making are really going to give people a true glimpse at life on a dairy farm. I'm so excited for these to be done!

I also got to shoot some scenes in a dairy processing plant (thank you Kroger) and a grocery store (thank you Bashas) and a house with a family (thank you Weight family)

It was a grueling 2 week schedule, I even got sick right before filming so that wasn't fun but I'm proud to say I survived and I can't believe I'm in charge of such an incredible project!

I also got to stare at cute faces like this all day!! I love cows!